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Welcome to
St George United Church

In Faith, We Serve through fellowship, music and outreach

The Mission of St. George United Church, through its members, is to create an atmosphere where all are welcome to be involved in the work of God by:

  • Encouraging people to use their talents;

  • Communicating their ideas;

  • Building an effective team of leaders for ministry in the name of Christ

​​​We will attempt to fill our mission by:

  • Encouraging people to employ their abilities and talents in their field of interest

  • Encouraging people to take part in the decisions making process of the Church

  • Developing and using an effective line of communication between the various committees of the Church, and with Congregation at large

  • Electing lay representatives to serve on the Regional Council



Image by Laura Nyhuis

Upcoming Services

Come worship with us in person or online Sundays at 10am

* Our building is fully accessible *

Reprinted / Podcast / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A620714. All rights reserved.

Zoom Link  at 9:45 am

Meeting ID: 863 3789 9244

Passcode: 569580

Upcoming Events


Land Acknowledgement:

For thousands of years, First Nations people have walked on this land; their relationship with the land is at the centre of their lives and spirituality. We are gathered on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishnaabe, Haudenosaunee peoples. This land is part of the Dish with One Spoon Treaty. It symbolizes the agreement to share, protect our resources and not to engage in conflict.

Today, this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Métis and Indigenous peoples from across Turtle Island. Acknowledging them reminds us of our important connection to this land where we live, learn and worship. We recognize, honour and respect these nations as the traditional stewards of the lands and water on which we now gather.

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